Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

And all good delicious things...

...must come to an end.

After almost 8 years, I've decided to end Good Delicious in its current form. Many factors contribute to this decision, key to them is that I'll continue blogging in one form or another on tumblr, and of course twitter.

This blog started out of boredom 8 years ago, and snow-balled from there into something that lasted way longer than I expected it to! It's been through its highs and lows, as well as my own highs and lows and journeys.

I've loved every second of blogging, and feel sad that for the last 2 years I've neglected the blog mostly, being too lazy to blog, preferring to tweet instead. Twitter is like the fast-food of blogging: it's quick, easy, dirty, you get satisfaction almost instantly, and is available everywhere you look.
Blogger is more like the fine-dining of blogging: you have to dress up, sit down for a while, and speak politely.

Which is why tumblr is my new destination. It's the bastard son of twitter and blogger, making for an in-between that should mean more posts from me, and more audience for the blog in general. I've been experimenting with some tumblr posts and have enjoyed it a lot. It's infinitely easier than Blogger, is seamlessly integrated with Twitter, and already some posts of mine have found an audience! Have a look yourself here.

So, here's what's going to happen, from tomorrow, will take you to my tumblr blog ( You can still access this blog for historical/research/nostalgia purposes at

Finally, I want to thank each and every person who sat through this with me over the years. Thanks for reading, thanks for posting your comments, and thanks for being the inspiration behind this blog. And I hope you'll all keep on reading my tumblr posts. The good news is all you gotta do is just visit No change in bookmarks or anything :p

Over and out for the last time on Blogger. See you on the other side.