Quick Question
You know when you're playing a game and you have X many lives left. Do you prefer it that:
a\ X = the total amount of lives left, including the one you're playing with. Meaning when X=1 and you die it's game over.
b\ X = the total amount of lives left in stock, ie excluding the one you're playing with. Meaning when X = 0 and you die, it's game over.
I personally much, strongly, positively prefer the scenario B. In fact, scenario A just down right annoys me.
Alsawaf - scenario B is the only way forward. All the way back to my gaming debut playing Street Fighter II on the arcades at the chip shop three doors down from my uncle'spalce when I was about 7, the idea of having "0" lives left means that I have to work harder, innit?
Hi Dharshan!
Who is Dharshan??? The needless "h"s are in my surname, not my first name!
hits han hillnesh hinnit
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