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Friday, August 06, 2010

Quick Question

You know when you're playing a game and you have X many lives left. Do you prefer it that:

a\ X = the total amount of lives left, including the one you're playing with. Meaning when X=1 and you die it's game over.


b\ X = the total amount of lives left in stock, ie excluding the one you're playing with. Meaning when X = 0 and you die, it's game over.

I personally much, strongly, positively prefer the scenario B. In fact, scenario A just down right annoys me.


GrandSon of LudiMagister said...

Alsawaf - scenario B is the only way forward. All the way back to my gaming debut playing Street Fighter II on the arcades at the chip shop three doors down from my uncle'spalce when I was about 7, the idea of having "0" lives left means that I have to work harder, innit?

SoB said...

Hi Dharshan!

GrandSon of LudiMagister said...

Who is Dharshan??? The needless "h"s are in my surname, not my first name!

SoB said...

hits han hillnesh hinnit