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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Before Buyer's Remorse Kicks In

Let me quickly blog (happily) about what I just purchased. I have to explain/justify that, as usual, this whole chain started with me looking for a new headset for my PC.

1\ Sennheiser PC360 G4ME headsets: I currently use a PC161, and @anmarmansur loves and recommends his 350s, but I like open back cans (I prefer the soundstage) hence I didn't want the 350s. These new 360s are the 350s but open back.

2\ Razer Mako 2.1: YES, STEREO and not surround speakers! why you ask? Well ever since moving to our house the surround speakers (ie the side and rear ones) have been nothing more than dust collectors on the floor. The cables are in the way (particularly with Adam) and almost all surround gaming I do on the PC is via headphones (hence the new cans). The Razers are co-designed with THX and include a headphone amp and look gorgeous. The reviews all concur that they're the best 2.1 bookshelf speakers.
The creatives are also 5 years old and have gone through at least 3 house moves - they need to retire.
Perhaps when there's no babies crawling around I can reinvest in surround.

3\ Asus Xonar Essence STX - perhaps the stupidest thing of all. Said to be the pinnacle for stereo/headphone cards. With features galore, including the all-essential Dolby Headphone (for games) and even an EAX emulator (though I can't remember the last time I used EAX - ever since vista hardware legacy sound has dwindled). I am a little apprehensive about this, because I game as much as I listen to music on the PC (don't watch many movies on it) so proper headphone surround is crucial here.

We'll find out tomorrow.

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