Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Has it been that long?

I just realised that my last blog post was 15th of October. That long!!

It's really because I've been kept very busy by a slew of AAA titles, gaming and movies etc, that require immediate and complete attention!

Of course last month I saw DrD again after 9 years, and it was great catching up and seeing Verona at the same time!

Gaming wise, I've been kept busy by a ton of stuff. The utterly fantastic Batman Arkham Asylum (a must for ANY gamer out there, play it play it!), the sadistic dungeon running of Demon's Souls, the Diablo-esque cartoony madness of Torchlight, and of course the coop antics of Borderlands, a game we've been looking forward to for ages.

Of course, I haven't even touched on Uncharted 2, the upcoming Left4Dead 2, and Brutal Legend. It's just too much!

We recently watched UP, a beautiful, heart-rendering story of a man's quest to fulfil his late wive's dreams. Pixar animated films are really reaching a stride here, both visually and in story telling. We were also VERY spooked out by Paranormal Activity, the film that's taking the states (and soon the world) by storm!
Reportedly costing $15,000 to make (it was filmed with a handheld cam in the director's home), the film was made in 2007 and didn't really find a publisher until it luckily landed in Steven Spielberg's hands, who couldn't finish watching it because of how scary it was!

Watch it.

The new PC is behaving itself beautifully. That's a story for another post, as it's my first foray into the world of ATI crossfire AND overclocking. More on that later - promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy to read again from u
teach me over cloacking pls
