Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Tomorrow! Tomorrow!!!

The BIG day when we get to see Jarre live again! 3rd time for me, 2nd for Kelly. First for Adam :D He's a big fan already, dancing away inside his mum when I play any Jarre stuff.

I am SO looking forward to this! I never dreamt of seeing Jarre once, let alone three times!!

This is an arena tour, indoors only. Not the usual Jarre city affair, but saying that the man has some tricks up his sleeve still. Biggest of all is that the sound system is engineered to be TOTALLY INVISIBLE. No speakers seen whatsoever.

It's meant to be that you're watching a show, not just listening to music, and big speakers take away from the image he wants to create.

I'll be sure to tweet from there (@alialsawaf if you wanted to follow) and also post a blog review after. I'll also make sure to buy at least two of everything on sale in the merchandise stall there!

Best thing is, I know what the intro is - it's the goose-bump-inducing awesomeness that is Industrial Revolution - Part 2. FANTASTIC!

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