Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Friday, February 27, 2009

So this is what she looks like

Awesome fanart of our favourite announcer.

I also learned today that she's voiced by non other than Ellen McLain, her of GLaDOS fame :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

No more Kitchen

The kitchen is offline permanently.

It was fun while it lasted.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Quakelive open beta now..... open!

The Quakelive open beta just opened!

As expected, the servers are being hammered, but I managed to register!

I'm still intrigued as to how id have pulled running the game within a browser, an amazing feat if it works well!

For those that don't know, Quakelive is Quake 3 Arena for free, which runs within a browser window. It's id's way of saying thank you to all it's fans. Awesome.

If you do join, look me up: Sobtanian.

See you in the arena, marine!

PS: I'm told by reliable sources that you can also set it to run fullscreen. Awesome x2.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Look at what the postman brought this morning

I'm happy. Very happy. And excited!

Will be the 3rd time I see the big man, twice for Kelly, but she's not that bothered :p

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

F.E.A.R. 2 Slow Mo Sniping

I'm enjoying F.E.A.R 2. It's good fun, and excellently spooky at times.

I also enjoy sniping in slow motion! I enjoyed it so much actually, that I captured a video with FRAPS, converted it to DivX, and uploaded it to youtube! See how much work I do for you ungrateful so-and-sos :p


Oh, and play the game.

PS: you can watch it in HQ on youtube itself :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Guitar Loser

My nephew certainly thinks so, he sent me this awesome t-shirt as a gift. I like it, and will definitely be wearing it around the house as I shred to Guitar Hero!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Over the last few hours I've gone through every emotion and feeling I can think of. I've been confused, perplexed, intrigued, excited, disappointed, happy, sad, elated, depressed, scared, confident, upset, in love, but most of all, amazed.

Amazed at the beauty of Flower, the grace by which it takes us on a journey, a journey of a dream, and at the feelings and emotions it invokes, without saying a single word.

Flower is the 2nd PSN game from Thatgamecompany, the makers of FlOw. It's instructions couldn't be any more simpler "tilt the controller to soar, press any button to blow wind. Relax, enjoy".

Taking the journey of a petal, you direct the wind to blow it in any direction you like, discovering beautiful vistas of all colours, discovering other flowers, and taking their petals along with you.

And that's all the game mechanic there ever is, and all it will ever need. With such simple execution, the game manages to grip you by it's beautiful and gentle graphics, and by it's excellent, excellent music. Calming scores, little riffs as you find each flower, soar into a bunch of red flowers and listen as they all jingle together, all the time affecting the environment around you.

There's definitely a game in there, a simple game nonetheless, but any kind of complexity would take away from what the designers want - for you to witness, experience, and interpret Flower as you like.

Each level follows the dreams of a different flower, all of which share the same window sill in a grey, dull, and industrial city... as you play each level, you realise that there's a message here, a message of hope, of innocence, of destruction, of rejuvenation, of peace, of war, of love and hate. 

It's difficult to say more about this game without actually spoiling it's surprises. All I can say is that for the brief 2 or so hours it lasted, I felt like I was reading the best story ever told, watching the most beautiful play ever made, and listening to the best music man has created. All wrapped up in the medium so many of us favour, the power of game.

This is gaming at it's finest, innovation at it's best. Flower, I salute you.

The Simpsons new intro sequence!

Now that my favourite, favourite, FAVOURITE TV/Cartoon/Comedy show ever is both HD and WS, they've upgraded their intro sequence!

The Simpsons Movie on Bluray does look gorgeous, so actually having regular episodes in HD is great too. Not sure when it'll turn up here though.

Friday, February 13, 2009

God of Phoooaaaaarrrrrrr!!

God Of War III info explosion today :)

New screen shots, new preview, and an epic, epic new trailer (longer than the one earlier this year), showing some Kratos lovin'....

Excited? SURE! Psyched? HELL YEAH!!

Let's hope it's out this year......

PS: The whole trailer is in-game engine... no prerendered bullshots :)

The Future Geriatricians!

Martyn, Dinesh, and sexy genius....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Haniboy has a new baby boy :)

They've called him Mustafa. We'll call him Mustafaboy...

That's sprog number two, the first being my second wife to be, Layan.

Fingers crossed, we'll soon be adding Adam Alsawaf to the clan ;)

Monday, February 09, 2009

The Scarf

Some of you might know this already, but I'm learning how to knit :)

I've always been fascinated by it since being a kid, watching my aunt knit away..... 

So, a few weeks ago I went to the knitting shop and bought some needles, some yarn, and books for beginners (not to mention the .pdf of "knitting for dummies")...

My second project (the first one is a basic thing for the baby) is a scarf for Kelly for Valentine's Day... and here it is in all it's glory :)

For the knitters among you, it's garter stitch, stocking stitch, and cable.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Invaders Must Die - The Prodigy

Promo album (11 tracks).

On the kitchen for those interested ;)

PS: having a listen now.... not sure yet... seems to be a return to old skool, which is good-ish, but can't really make my mind up.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Meet The Spy!

Not official though :p

Thursday, February 05, 2009

New Left4Dead stuff!

New game mode. vs mode for the 2 other maps. Free SDK (exciting, since it lets people create campaigns that can be found via match making!).

It's great to see Valve looking after it's customers so well... and they're updating TF2 also, so they're not just forgetting one for the other. Good stuff!

More here.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Twitter bar

There's a new sidebar on Good Delicious. It follows my twitters.

Which reminds me, please guys, join twitter. It's a really really easy way of getting in touch, essentially just one line of 140 characters max.. that's it. No it's not like facebook, it's a lot simpler... just one line to say what you're up to.

It's great fun to see what people are doing, and to organise stuff (like jigjigs). Me and Anmar (the only 2 on the damn thing) did a jigjig via twitter yesterday.

Also, loads of famous people/companies/websites are on twitter, hence giving you an RSS-like feed. In fact, that's it, it's like RSS for your friends.

I've invited a couple of you already, but as for the others, please give it a shot... it'll keep us in touch more.