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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Valve goodness

The escapist magazine has a very interesting article called Storming The Fortress, where they talk to Valve about Team Fortress 2. The juicy tidbits are that there's a new Payload map coming (woop woop!), a new very different game mode (let's hope it's not an arena variation), and maybe a 10th class! Oh, and the next class update is the damned scout. Shit.

In other news, the amazing replica model of the amazing Portal gun pictured below was created for flickr user emilyskeith by her boyfriend. To quote Joystiq's report verbatim:

This replica Portal gun was created for Flickr user -- and soon-to-be Portal cosplayer -- emilyskeith by her boyfriend, and is clearly a triumph of prop making. In fact, we consider it a huge success.

We're sure it was hard for Emily to overstate her satisfaction with the finished replica, which features working orange and blue LEDs and was weathered to convey the idea that she wasn't the first Aperture Science subject to use it. To her boyfriend: you've ensured that her love for you will be still alive for years to come. Also, we want one.

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