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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spy update leaked?

For the love of God I hope this leak is fake. If it isn't, then we're gonna be FUCKED by spies. A good spy can make or break a game, not to mention frustrate beyond all means.

There's a PNG that's allegedly a leak of the spy update, including achievements and the 3 new toys he'll get. The only reasonable new toy is a magnetic sapper, that can't destroy a building but it disables it for a while and CAN'T BE KNOCKED OFF by a wrench. This one's for spies that work with a teammate (Soldier? Demo?) so he can destroy the building once it's sapped.

The BAD new toys are the silenced gun, which does half damage from front but is a CRITICAL from the back. And it's quiet. FUCK.

Even worse is the alleged garrote, a thin wire that kills within a couple of seconds. Why is this really bad? Because using the garrote the spy DOESN'T LOSE HIS DISGUISE. Just ponder on that for a few seconds. A good spy can now literally disable a sentry ecosystem all alone: Garrote the engineer, sap the buildings - done.

Let's hope if they are true that REALLY SOON Valve will release the Engineer update. That poor man won't stand a chance against the all new Spy.

Here's the PNG.


Anmar Mansur said...

It's clearly doctored, quite badly too. Compare your PNG to the recent Pyro update page. Capt. MacMillan did mention something about you being daft but this!

Anyway, thanks for a good laugh. Here's a better one: Heavy Upgrades.

SoB said...

I hope so, I so so so so hope so that you're right!

I hope that Valve don't get any smart ideas from this you know.....

SoB said...

Reading the copyright shows us who created the hoax lol

i hope Valve don't copy any of this shit.