Spy update leaked?
For the love of God I hope this leak is fake. If it isn't, then we're gonna be FUCKED by spies. A good spy can make or break a game, not to mention frustrate beyond all means.
There's a PNG that's allegedly a leak of the spy update, including achievements and the 3 new toys he'll get. The only reasonable new toy is a magnetic sapper, that can't destroy a building but it disables it for a while and CAN'T BE KNOCKED OFF by a wrench. This one's for spies that work with a teammate (Soldier? Demo?) so he can destroy the building once it's sapped.
The BAD new toys are the silenced gun, which does half damage from front but is a CRITICAL from the back. And it's quiet. FUCK.
Even worse is the alleged garrote, a thin wire that kills within a couple of seconds. Why is this really bad? Because using the garrote the spy DOESN'T LOSE HIS DISGUISE. Just ponder on that for a few seconds. A good spy can now literally disable a sentry ecosystem all alone: Garrote the engineer, sap the buildings - done.
Let's hope if they are true that REALLY SOON Valve will release the Engineer update. That poor man won't stand a chance against the all new Spy.
Here's the PNG.