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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Doom 4 announced!!

Yes, yes!
id today have confirmed Doom 4 is being developed.

Now I remember back in 2000, June to be exact. I had just left Baghdad, and was waiting for my passport in Amman. I spent most my time in a friend's internet café, discovering what I had been missing for years.

Anyway, back then we used to chat on ICQ. Nile Warp logged in to tell me that id had just announced on Telefragged that Doom 3 was in developement!! Man what a moment. And we all know how long it took them to get that one out, which, with it's expansion, are 2 great games (I thought - loved the engine and corridor-ness of it all).

So, I wonder if Doom 4 will come out 2012. It'll be the official game of the olympics :p

Then again, judging by how quick Quake 4 was announced then released, it may well be sometime next year if we're lucky. Fingers X-ed.

C&VG have more details here.

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