Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Because we had SO MUCH fun...

...yesterday, I thought I'd add a new feature to the blog.

Those of you involved in yesterday's jigjig will vouch at how awesome the whole thing was. From the long-awaited presence of a 4th player (Fuj!), to the moment he realised he was playing with three VERY ADDICTED team mates!

Yesterday we also finally managed to break the Granary Curse, in that we won it for once! We always lose that level no matter what happens, or how well we try to play. We once lost it 13-0!!
Anyhow, we played for ages and had great fun rotating through all six of the TF2 maps.

The highlight of the night(morning) was when Blue Blood demonstrated his uncanny ability at playing "The Price is Right": Fuj! had told me before that he'd bought a new monitor. Yesterday, he asked me to guess how much he paid for it. Now, I can't even remember it's specs, let alone guess how much it cost. But, Blue Blood, with his psychic powers instantly said $200. Fuj! thought about it a bit, and eventually worked out that he had indeed paid $200! The amazing feat was that Blue Blood didn't know anything about the monitor, it's specs, nothing. And more amazingly the original price was $299 but Fuj! got a discount, so Blue Blood nailed it on the head with his first prediction!
He later admitted to being this all-predicting money guru who can predict the price of everything to a margin of +/- $5.

We, of course, made use of this ability and asked him to predict all sorts of prices, ranging from "How much will my new laptop cost" to "What's the pressure in my rear left car tyre!" (nothing to do with money but it was late and we were laughing so much nothing made sense any more!); the most sensible being PyroMax's "How much will Left4Dead cost when it's out on Steam?".

So, back to the new feature thingie: As you all know TF2 is cartoon-perfect. I've taken lots of various snaps (Killcams and others) while playing, so from now on every week there will be a new snap in the side bar on the right. Clicking on it gives you the nice big version. I'll update it every Saturday (Post-jigjig).
The first snap is of a bunch of Pyros on Dustbowl Stage 2, doing what I think is a Victory Chant, before all hell breaks loose :)

As always, keep on playing people - it keeps us young, and sane.


PS: Nile, we miss you......


Nafi Wedie said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL :P, it was really nice guys being with you, playing TF2 the greatest Multiplayer ever.

BTW the new TF3 will be in a pink box and will cost like 49.99$ or ¥.

I'm eager for next sat & sunday.

This is for you FUJI ;)

Blu Out hmmmm! maybe red also :D

Anonymous said...

Looool !!!

funny stuff man , yup it was great/fun time as usual :-)

And as SoB mentioned my come back after the loooong long break from TF2 was cool.

Umm Blue , quick question man ... I'm buying new winter socks next week how much is it gonna be please , because I don't wanna take my credit card with me ... just cash lool !!

Looking forward for Sunday's F.E.A.R. Night :-)

Salam 2 all