Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Games Radar UK has got a list. A list that you really don't want to look at if you consider yourself a "gamer".
They list 10 videos, of 10 gamers playing something REALLY REALLY well. So well, in fact, that it'll make you feel stupidly inadequate, and inferior.

Our friend Daigo (mentioned on Good-Delicious before) shows up with his super-duper Street Fighter moves, and so do some amazing DDR dancers, a really fast Tetris player, and a guy that can do a Portal level so mind numbingly fast it makes me want to eat cake.

My favourite though is the Super Human that is playing through the final level of Ikaruga as 2 Player but all by himself, controlling a ship with each hand! Now I've played Ikaruga on the Gamecube, and I played it 2 Player with a friend. The game is INSANELY difficult, cos it's not just a usual SHMUP, it's one were strategy has to come in to play. It took us ages to finish the game, and this MoFo just does it all by himself. Grrrrrrr!

Enjoy, and when finished, sell all your consoles/gaming crap. You really aren't going to get that good.

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