Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I've just finished BioShock, seeing one of the possible two endings.
Forget it's a great FPS, forget the graphics and audio are just SUPERB, forget all of that.

What it REALLY is, is a GREAT GREAT GREAT story. Crash-landing in the middle of the sea, you find Rapture, an underwater utopia, created by someone called Andrew Ryan. You also find that it's gone to hell. A guy called Atlas guides you around Rapture while you uncover its secrets.

No, there are no cut-scenes. No fancy CGI or rendered video (bar the beginning and end), nothing. The game tells its story via the environment: the posters around the city, the advertisements over the public broadcast system, the tape recordings you find, and the things you stumble upon, be it a flat full of corpses or a room full of women hanging from their necks, it's all very atmospheric. And creepy.

But, best of all, is the twists and turns in the story. To mention one little thing would be to ruin the whole experience. BioShock is game that has some brilliant twists, not only in story telling, but in gameplay also. By the last level you'll just be wondering how anything (or anybody) will ever surpass this level of excellency in any video game. But of course, we said that about Half Life 2 years ago, and now BioShock is beyond that.

Great to play, great to see, great to listen to, and a great story. This is videogaming at its very best.
The new best FPS ever created? I think so.

If you really count yourself a gamer, then you have to play BioShock. Its not a game-its a benchmark. A piece of history that we're lucky to witness.


A. Damluji said...

saw the trailer.
DAMN good gameplay.

btw have you seen the trailers for the new resident evil? DAMMMNNNNNN GOOD. WANT IT WANT IT WANT IT PLEEEEEEEASE GOD I WANT IT I WANT IT WANT IT!

and the new Metal Gear
and the new Devil May Cry
and the new Halo

SoB said...


The number of games that are must plays this time of year is killing me:

Halo 3
Super Paper Mario
Heavenly Sword
Metroid Prime 3
Ratchet and Clank In To The Future
Burnout Paradise
Super Mario Galaxy
Assassin's Creed
PES 2008
Half Life 2 Episode 2
Team Fortress 2
The New Metal Gear

And I'm sure tons more. It's scary.

I'm already play Super Paper Mario and I love it. It's awesome. I got Heavenly Sword but not yet started that, cos I'm playing the awesome God of War 2, which happens to piss all over the awesome God of War. I wonder if there's going to be a 3........

Anonymous said...

well.. who knows, who knows!
(well, they ought to, considering the graphics and six-axis advantage!)

i'm just too maxed out on Resident Evil 5 to think about any other games..
damn that game will hurt.
(the engine looks a LOT like the 4th, which is not a very bad thing ;) )

you know what i'm missing? a new Duke Nukem! 360/PS3 style :D