On How Live is
First of all, 2 things:
1\ The title for this post is a (clever) spin on Macy Gray's album "On How Life Is"
2\ The original Xbox Live! sucked big time.
There. Got that off my chest.
The original Xbox Live! was a total waste of time. You paid a yearly subscription so that you can play a few games online, that were mostly laggy and just generally crap.Come the Xbox 360, and the most important and best feature of it is Live! Let me explain.The 360 Live! is a totally different beast from the original one. While the first Live! was just about finding multiplayer servers, this new one has loads more features.When you first turn your console on, your default profile loads up, and signs you in automatically to the Live! network. Any friends you have on your list that are online at the same time will have a little notification that you're online. You'll also get a little message telling you who's online. Checking your friend's list not only shows you who's there, but also what they're doing at the moment! From watching a dvd, to playing a game (sometimes including their score and status and what level they're on!), or even if they're playing a multiplayer game and whether it's joinable or not.Choose a friend, and you can page them, message them, voice chat with them privately, or invite them to your multiplayer game. You can even join their game if it's joinable.It's a very easy and intuitive system that does exactly what MS promised, put the player in the centre of the experience.
Then there's the Live! Marketplace. Here's where it really shines. The marketplace is a collection of downloads for your machine. Most are free, but some cost points (you buy these for real money). These range from themes for your dashboard, to music videos, film trailers, game trailers, and game demos (most of the game related stuff are free!). Best thing is, the trailers are in HD and come straight from the source. Game demos rock too (right now I'm downloading the demo for the new Sonic - can't wait!).Best thing is, Microsoft is making a HUGE effort at "bringing it home", in other words they're making sure Live! subscribers get the latest trailers/demos from the major gameshows quickly. In May when E3 was going on, there were daily updates for tons of things that you'd normally see on the net from a dodgy hand-held cam perspective. This year, we saw them in HD thanks to Live! Currently, TGS (Tokyo Game Show) is running and again, new demos and trailers straight from Japan to your living room. Great stuff.
And finally, there's Xbox Live! Arcade. Initially dreamed up by Microsoft as the place where the dad's will spend some time on their children's console, the Arcade is a collection of small, old and new games that are spruced up to be released on the Xbox. These games include old classics like Street Fighter 2, Frogger, Scramble, and some new "indie" games like Zuma, Geometry Wars, Uno and so on. There's a good range of coin-op classics, and most genres are catered for. These small games hammer the point that retro gaming is alive and kicking (the Arcade has sold loads since the 360's release), and shows no sign of stopping.Best thing is, yesterday in X06 Barcelona, Microsoft announced that they will be releasing the classic DOOM on Live! Arcade, including 5.1 surround and 4-player online co-op. The game was released world-wide soon after the announcement. And coming soon? the classic Sensible Soccer with original and up to date graphics. I hope it has online play - that would just be a killer.
So there you have it. I love Live! And I think anyone that has a 360 and can hook it up to the web has to try this great service. Online matches, demos, trailers, videos, movies, and loads more. Well worth the £40 a year price.