Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Where did you say you live again?

This I can't believe. But it's true nontheless. Was randomly surfing wikipedia tonight (am on-call for 24 hours, sucks), and searched for "fucking", to find out that it's not just a rude (and very pleasurable) activity/word, it's also a VILLAGE IN AUSTRALIA.
No Joke.
Just imagine living there. The embarassment of telling someone your address.
Hi, I'm Ali. I'm from Fucking. (Aren't we all LOL?)

I better go to sleep. I stayed up late last night, and this morning I found an email from Amazon in my inbox, thanking me for ordering (Learning Unix for Mac OSX) at some unholy after midnight hour. So I go sleep now, before I find an email tomorrow from Amazon thanking me for ordering (The Dummies Guide to the Net) or something like that.

SoB out.

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