Dolby Audistry...
Dolby have launched their new "sound enhancing" system, the Audistry. Claiming to make your music and movies sound better, the Audistry home page has several examples and demos on how it works.
Thing is, the technology and results are very similar to Creative's "Sound Crystaliser"! Essentially accentuating certain frequencies, making the music or movie sound better. It's a brilliant system (I can't listen to my mp3s any more without that function, it's awesome! anyone with an x-fi will agree), but I'm wondering who's copied who. Creative have allegedly said that they've been working on their product for 5 years, while Dolby hasn't mentioned anything.
Expect seeing "Audistry-enabled" products in the hear future, like speakers, players, etc etc. An Audistry enabled sound card would be interesting, and I bet you dollar to dime it won't be from Creative ;)
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