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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The truth about 22mbit

Right, I'm in London now (was here since yesterday).
I've got the 2nd part of the lovely mrcp exam tomorrow... it's a 2 day exam so all fun and games!

But, on to more important things!

I installed the adsl 2+ router yesterday (netgear, looks great and works good too), and after a few teething problems I am now connected to the web at top speed. If you remember a while back I said it would be an estimated 18mbit/second, but the reality is that it's synced at 16mbit. That's exactly 2mbyte/sec download speed.

Web browsing has generally been the same since 512kbit, so no change there... but downloading stuff from fast servers is awesome. In reality, the "pure" data reaching my hard disks is 1.6mbyte/second. I tried downloading a full dvd just now which was 4.4gig compressed, and that took 45 minutes. So the original hope that I could download 1gbyte every 10 minutes has been fulfilled!

Now what?


Anonymous said...

Now what?!!!
start backing up all the web.
it shouldn't take that long...


SoB said...

hehe. or perhaps order a NDS charger online...

btw, is there a NDS scene in Iraq? most games are easily copied these days...

Anonymous said...

the NDS scene, as usual, exists for an elite nintendo crowd...
and as you would expect, the PSP market is alot better...
hmmm.... just the way people are... they just don't get Nintendo!


SoB said...

yeah, shame it's always been like that. Iraqi people are very mainstream, and anything with PS written on it is good.
it's like the dreamcast, months before sega announced it's death, the iraqi people embrace it and discover it's delights... way too late

the NDS is a great piece of kit, and imho is more fun than the psp, cos it's not just a pretty 3d machine, it's got so much innovation and great games.

that's not saying the psp ain't good - lumines is one of the best games i've played this year, and it's still very enjoyable

if you can get your hands on an nds that would be great, and i can get you all the games ;)

Anonymous said...

hey man...
thanks for the offer..
there is an abundence of NDS's available here (cuz nobody is buying them)...
but i have something against it... i love the whole Nintendo style (cal it spirit,feel,theme,etc..).. i tried quiet a few games (warioware touched was my fav')... but still;
the main point of the console is the dual screen... but i think that the top screen is quiet pointless... the touch screen is great... so, still....
thats why it doesn't qualify well enough for me to go get one..
but that's just moi!


SoB said...

my bloody mario and luigi save got deleted!!! I don't know how, it just disappeared. 10 hours into the game... (it was a pirated copy, must be dodgy :p)

i'm gonna start it again, it's great

ps: you're right, the top screen isn't used so much, but still the nds is great with touch and microphone. Also, Metroid Prime Pinball and Mario and Luigi do great using both screens, as does advance wars...