... Leave Me Breathless
The Corrs sang that line, and now I do.
There are 2 words that EVERYONE has to know about.
I've just finished watching one of the most amazing movies ever made!
Imagine Kill Bill meets Pulp Fiction meets The Matrix meets Max Payne meets Comic books and you'll only be half way there.
Based on the Frank Miller comics of the same name, the movie follows 3 main stories involving 3 main characters, all narated by the main themselves. Not only is it beautifully film noire (with a few colours chucked in) but it's beautifully done. Direction, style, elegance, violence, acting, and just all in all a brilliant film!
I can't remember when was the last time I ranted so much about a movie (maybe house of flying daggers) but I can't stress strong enough for you people to GO SEE SIN CITY. NOW. THAT'S AN ORDER. DOCTOR'S ORDER.