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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Shi Mian Mai Fu

Or, as the western world knows it, House Of Flying Daggers.
I've seen it. More than once. Alot. I bought the sound-track. I cannot emphasise to you how important this movie is, for the whole movie industry, and for anyone who even remotely likes watching a good movie.
A beautiful story of love and revenge in feudal China, this film ups the ante that the classic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon created, and puts it at Godly heights.
The scenes, the wonderful colours, the martial arts, the story, the EXCELLENT music and the clever story that forces you to decide who's side you're on just make this movie an experience no one should miss.
This is one film that should not be criminally over-looked. If you even think you like movies, go and grab this one. Be captivated at what cinema can produce outside of Hollywood. 6 out of 5 SOBSTARS.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah... that movie was great
and the end... oh the end...
and for those who saw and loved the movie, i would recommend "Hero"..
same style but really SWEEEET...


P.S. also from the same cast of "Shaolin soccer" is another one called "kung fu hustle".... it's a must see..
fucking hilarious.

SoB said...

I never got to see Shaolin Soccer. Any good? my brother keeps on raving about it.
didn't see hero either (gasp! I know I know), again got bro to see it. I've heard it's not as good as SMMF hence I didn't watch it.
And you're right, the ending rocked. Who's side are you on? LEO all the way for me. THE BITCH!

Anonymous said...

WHAT? u blabbering abt "SMMF"?!!! and u still haven't seen "HERO"?! man...uhhhh...(take a deep breath).
just go, leech hero and watch it..
i don't wanna hear another word until u've seen it all.. 2 times...

and "Shaolin soccer" and "kung fu hustle" are amazing... the best time to watch them is when u've just lost any and everyone u ever loved (including ur pet... btw sorry abt 3antar) in a tsunami.... cuz they'd still make u laugh ur ass off...
pure silly, yet very VERY entertaining, GENIUS...


SoB said...

already leeched hero a while back, i'll watch it
leeching gung fu (kung fu hustle) now, dvd-r and it looks good fun
can't find shaolin soccer....
btw I bought a film called oldboy the other day, it's korean and meant to be very good but also very twisted and fucked. see it.

Anonymous said...

!!!! SoB can't find something on the net??!!!
getting a bit rusty, are we? :P