Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Transparent wallpapers

It's amazing no one thought of this LONG before.
The idea is simple, take a picture of anything at a certain angle, set it as your laptops wallpaper, then take a picture of the laptop in that same angle! Not sure what I'm talking about? take a look at the picture below and you'll get it!
For more creative pictures like that one (all mac though), head over here.
I'll try to make my own one day. It seems it's a craze that's catching on!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Micro$oft, Microsucks, windoze, gaydows... ad nauseum

Since deciding to "Think Different" and buy an apple powerbook, I've been regularly exposed to LOTS of anti-microsoft attitude, by virtue of nearly any apple site/forum I visit (even the official apple site hints of it sometimes!).
In the beginning, it was fun to read the microsoft/gates/windows/pc (which nowadays doesn't mean Personal Computer, it means a Windows based IBM compatible!) jokes and remarks. But there is a limit, and in the end it all becomes very fanboyish/zealot stuff that isn't funny any more.
Sure apple make great computers, sure their OS-X is way better than windows XP, and sure it's alot more stable, but let's not forget the impact microsoft had on the pc world. Windows XP is a fine product, one that made using a computer fun and productive. And ofcourse Office is fun to work with as well. Oh, and try to get any good games on OS-X. You will but about 2 years after the windows version was out :)
Point is, I own both apple and pc, and I enjoy working with them both. They integrate well (hell, they both share files over my home lan), and each has it's pros/cons. Oh and windows has winamp, the BEST software ever written by humans. EVER.
But, before signing off to an oblivion of 5x12 hour shifts (Thursday thru to Monday inclusive!), there is one anti-microsoft joke that I found so funny I have to share it: Introducing the all-new Microsoft Vacuume. The only Microsoft product that doesn't suck!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Russian Roulette... for children

I kid you not.
Another crazy japanese idea, the kaba-kick is a russian roulette game for kids, where the loser gets shot with fake hippo bullets, and the winner stays "alive".
Not sure if this really is selling in japanese toy shops, but the idea is scary.

And on that notion, here's a small tribute to Bud Dwyer, the Pensillvanian polititian that, after being charged with corruption and bribery, called a press conference and shot himself in the head on live TV (the video is all over the net. Try google :p).
Here's to Bud, and a shot of his very last second in life.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Latest SoB


"Needs to be Blue-Lighted to London Chest"

Picture this: Friday morning, around 10:30am. I'm doing a ward round with the ever-faithful house officer. One of the new patients on the ward (codename FM) had had a heart attack the morning before. She'd been given the magic clot-buster drugs and was doing well. After saying hello to her and making sure she's ok, she mentions that she's got a bit of shoulder pain, radiating up to her neck. *SHIT* I ask for an ECG (heart tracing), and the nurse gives me one she'd done at around 9:30am, but just clipped it on the routine jobs thingie. Looking at the ECG, it's evident that FM is in the process of having ANOTHER heart attack as we speak!
Giving her a bit of morphine, I ask for another ECG. guess what? the attack is extending more and more into what's left of her heart muscle! *SHIT*
I gather all her papers and tracings and trot down to the cardiology (read: heart specialist) registrar, who happened to be conveniently on-call that day. She had one look at them and said "needs to be Blue-Lighted to London Chest. I'll come up". She came up and wrote up some fancy heart-doctor-only drugs, and spoke to her equivalent at The London Chest Hospital.
Soon after she had left, FM's blood pressure decided to dip down to 70mmhg systolic (anything less than 100mmhg is scary) *SHIT* calming her (and myself!) down, I tilted her bed head down and gave her some fluids in the vein. This helped up her blood pressure to 90mmhg. ACCEPTABLE.
The ambulance crew finally arrived, and me, a nurse, and 2 technicians took FM down to the vehicle. With use we had a plethora of pumps/monitors/adaptors/drugs and all that. They wheeled FM into the ambulance and then me and the nurse hopped in to sit sideways throughout the 50 mile journey. Soon after departing, our driver did what we were all looking forward to, he turned on The Blue Light. With lights flashing and sirens whistling, everyone got out of our way and we got there in record time. It was a rattly experience with everything jumping up and down, but an exciting one nontheless!
FM was a bit unwell in the last bit of the journey, she had more chest tightness and needed more pain relief (not surprising, her heart was half-dead already!). We got to London chest and took her up to CCU, where bed 5 was ready. The registrar there wasn't a pleasant one, I think that being faced with a sick person with half a dead heart at 4:30pm would make anyone grumpy.
We bought some ice creams (it was warm!) there and drove back home (no blue light, I pretended to have chest pain in the ambulance but they wouldn't buy it!). We reached Colchester at around 6:30pm, long after work had finished.
It had been an exciting day. Blue-lighting someone to London Chest was more fun than I thought, if it wasn't for the fact that there was a very ill patient with me, and a nurse that was sick throughout the journey!

Oh, and PLEASE don't smoke. PLEASE. This woman smoked 15/day, and she's just one of alot of people I see who end up like that. Don't say you weren't warned. Not everywhere has blue-lights to london chest.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Is your microwave internet enabled?

got an email today, with the above subject
it was from, a reputable (and cheap!) internet only pc shop, so it couldn't be spam.
clicking it took me here. Not sure whether this is way cool or way sad. You decide.
Next episode: online health check: wee on your keyboard and a website analyses it for you :)

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Shi Mian Mai Fu

Or, as the western world knows it, House Of Flying Daggers.
I've seen it. More than once. Alot. I bought the sound-track. I cannot emphasise to you how important this movie is, for the whole movie industry, and for anyone who even remotely likes watching a good movie.
A beautiful story of love and revenge in feudal China, this film ups the ante that the classic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon created, and puts it at Godly heights.
The scenes, the wonderful colours, the martial arts, the story, the EXCELLENT music and the clever story that forces you to decide who's side you're on just make this movie an experience no one should miss.
This is one film that should not be criminally over-looked. If you even think you like movies, go and grab this one. Be captivated at what cinema can produce outside of Hollywood. 6 out of 5 SOBSTARS.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

You Gotta Love The Japs

Cos they're just weird but also VERY creative!
Some mad (but obviously clever) japs decided to make a flash-game 2D beat 'em up, based on the mascots of japan's biggest bulletin board (2CH AKA The Ni Channel).
What's so cool about that then? well the fact that everything is ASCII! All the characters and they're moves are done in ASCII (but flash animated) and it has the depth of any street fighter game. Point your browsers here and go kick some japanese ascii ass :)

ps: the menus are jap, but just chose the first option, then you can choose (in this order) Battle, Free Battle, Vs Battle, Training and Options.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

DO.... THIS..... NOW......

1\ Install shockwave (from here)
2\ Go to THIS website
3\ Once you're out of shock/coma/disbelief and have stopped playing,
4\ tell me how cool I am here

Sunday Morning I'm Waking Up

Can't even focus on a coffee cup,
Don't even know who's bed I'm in,
Where do I start? Where do I begin?

(small tribute to the chems there)
I have the runs. It attacked me last night after listening to a friend and going to Pizza Hut. I hate Pizza Hut. They suck. Since last night around 11 I've been on the loo at least 5 times, many of which were during the wee hours of the morning. I'm actually typing this while on the loo (oh the benefits of having a laptop eh?)
Talking of laptops, I have totally gotten used to my apple powerbook. The system is awesome, stable, and very very nice to use. Recommended to anyone. Gets 5/5 SOBSTARS :p

Quite recently, I typed "bastards" in google, to see what the first site came up as. To my surprise it directed me to some big corporation in the states! This has now been corrected (shame), but at the time it was quite a shock. Next time you're bored type something rude in google and you never know, it might even point you to here :)

Moby has released his new album (Hotel), which includes the advance single (Lift Me Up). I've been listening to this album nearly nonstop since it's been out, and all I can say is WOW! The album follows true Moby style, but this time misses out on his soul-diva lead singer and uses alot of his faint, haunting vocals instead. The music is just as we're used to from Moby, ie his well perfected style of gospel meets rock meets electronic. The album is alot mellower than his all-time classic Play, and is closer to the great follow-up 18. If you've never heard Moby before I say get Play, if you don't like that don't bother with the rest. Or if you're feeling adventerous, grab one of his old techno albums (Everything is Wrong comes to mind) and feel the beat. Anyhow, a great start to 2005 and again this gets 5/5 SOBSTARS

Finally, my beloved alsation died recently (aged 12) :( he's was still in Baghdad, and I had realised recently that he was unwell. My relatives decided not to tell me the day he died, but I found out eventually. I wish I was there with the poor soul while he passed away, but I guess all things come to an end. I do miss him more now that he's gone (he would bark like mad every time I called home!), and hope he's somewhere in doggy-heaven.

RIP Antar.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Total Immersion

I just CANNOT DESCRIBE how KICK ASS this technology is.
If you're even remotely interested in computers, you HAVE TO watch this video.

Now imagine how this can change the face of computer use forever. Let's hope it gets implemented cheap one day.