A few days ago I finished Reading World War Z, which is an oral history of the Zombie World War, or Z War One.
Written very cleverly in mock-documentary style, Max Brook's draws a vivid picture of how a Zombie epidemic nearly wiped us from the face of this Earth. From the very first outbreaks (presumed in China), to the mass-hysterics and profiteering, the book tells a terrifying story of how the world as we know it may not have existed.
What's great about the book is that it's very easy to read. Each chapter is an interview with someone, telling their part of the story. There are lots and lots of characters, BUT you don't need to remember any, nor get confused by who's who. The genius of the book is that it's the overall story arc that matters. You don't need to follow a certain character as it's the Zombies and their War that are the centre piece here.
The chapters are small and easy to read through, and some characters really are notable for the brief period you know them for.
I'm not a fan of Zombies nor horror books in general, but this book I can whole-heartedly recommend to any fan of fiction. Read it, before the movie ruins it all in 2010 ;)
EDIT: forgot to mention, a DRM-free .mobi ebook of WWZ is on the kitchen ;) I actually bought it from ebooks.com (with DRM) so it's proofed and 100% official. You'll need the mobipocket.com reader to view. Enjoy.