OK OK, sit down and be calm. Relax and take a deep breath.
I'm currently posting this from my new laptop! What's so shocking about that I hear you say? Well, this laptop happens to be a Powerbook 17". Which is, erm, ahem, made by.... APPLE!
Yes, your eyes don't fool you, the SoB has switched platfoms (well my main PC is still IBM + Windows)! To be honest, I'm still getting used to Mac OS X. It feels great to work with and literally drips with the style apple are really famous for. But being a windows whore for the last 9 years makes it a bit difficult to get used to something else. Add to that the fact that macs don't have a right mouse button, and we've got a problem Houston.
But still, the laptop itself is a piece of beauty. It's very light weight (about 3kg) and thin, with a big 17" screen and a slot loading (aka no tray) DVD burner superdrive. It also has MAC OS X (Panther) with the iLIFE suite installed.
A great thing about the system is that it's based on *nix so very stable and no viruses. Also, it sets itself up to be compatible with your existing network (in my case it seamlessly connected to my windows wireless network hassle free, and can read shared files from windows pc, and ofcourse use wireless internet).
For the time being, I'm happy. Let's see what happens in a week or so once I've calmed down :)
Till then, Good-mac-delicious!