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Jean Michel has decided to postpone the release of the Live in Beijing DVD until the first quarter of 2005. Today, Warner Music confirmed that the DVD will be released on 21 January 2005 in the UK and on 4 March 2005 in The Netherlands.
Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.
Jean Michel has decided to postpone the release of the Live in Beijing DVD until the first quarter of 2005. Today, Warner Music confirmed that the DVD will be released on 21 January 2005 in the UK and on 4 March 2005 in The Netherlands.
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know how to solve Rubik's Cube?
drop me a line if you do, it'll stop me from going insane
Your's, Red-orange-green-white-blue-yellow
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Here I go again talking about my favourite artist, Jean-Michel Jarre.
Having done tons of concerts, this man for some reason has only released ONE concert on DVD (Oxygene live in Moscow). But, our prayers have been heard and finally they're releasing his latest concert in Beijing (To celebrate the start of the French Year in China, something cultural) as a DVD!
22 years after visiting China originally (he was the first western artist to be allowed in the then communist China, having to do 6 concerts to satisfy the fans!), Jarre goes back to Beijing to do what he does best, amazing music and concerts that amaze even the most synical viewer.
Anyhow, enough of that, I've preordered it and let's hope it's as good as his excellent album AERO.
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Yeap. That's how I'm spending this cold but lovely weekend.
Doing 12 hour shifts (8:30 to 20:30) Friday through to Monday at the hospital.
Now that I've got some spare time, thought I'd blog about what goes on in a standard hospital out of hours (after 5pm weekdays, all weekend).
Generally, things are run with "skeletal staff". For every major speciality (Medicine, Elderly, Surgery, Paediatrics, and Gynaecology) there are 2 junior staff (House officers and Senior house officers [HO/SHO]) and one registrar (grown up guy about to become a consultant) looking after all the current in patients and also any new admissions that come our way (via GPs or A&E).
The big bosses (consultants) are at home and can be contacted 24 hours a day in case of emergencies.
To put it in numbers, our hospital has 600+ in patients, looked after by a handful of juniors. Not everyone is sick and needs attention of course, but everyone is a "potential sicky" and can "go off" at any time. Also, generally in every major speciality at least 15 new patients are admitted that are acutely ill and need urgent attention.
This puts alot of strain on everyone working out of hours. Some times it's nice and quiet and not many people are admitted and all the wards are fine. But sometimes all hell breaks loose and you have one person having a heart attack on one ward, the other dropping his blood pressure on the other, a really sick person in resus (A&E) not breathing, and a HO that's confused about a patient they just asked him to see. All in all, it can get quite hectic!
But I guess one shouldn't moan. Choosing medicine as a career (well I didn't really choose, they forced me to it!!) comes with it's pros (non I can think of) and cons (I'll write a book about that some day!) :)
And finally, if you managed to read all this and still haven't manged to browse away to something alot more interesting ( comes to mind), then I thank you for being a loyal G-D but also urge you to go do something else on your weekend!
Till later then, good delicious!
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This game is FINALLY out.
I'm not a big fan of the first one, but this one is so cool. Bought my copy today and ran it, just gasped at how beautiful it all is.
Get it now guys, trust me :)
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Frankenstein or Shrek 2, you decide.
After hours of endless fiddling and setting up and all that stuff that anyone remotely associated with a PC is well used too, I FINALLY got my xbox to communicate with my pc and the net via my wireless configuration!
I had to change the position of the router/gateway, and also reconfigure a ton of stuff. Anyhow, yesterday I managed to play a reasonably lag-free game of Topspin tennis on xbox live (got creamed, but that's besides the point!). As far as ftping/streaming stuff to the box is concerned, the network is very slow (not doing the full 54mbit/sec that the G protocol boasts). It is more than enough for xbox live, but still needs fixing!
Now that's out of the way, I can go back to playing halo 2 and see what the fuss is all about.
Good-delicious y'all
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Designed with an actual Chainsaw lying in the middle of the R&D lab during brainstorming sessions, this massive sculpted controller comes with a built-in sound chip, imitating the roar of the powerful weapon. The attention to detail goes as far as having gory blood marks on the blade. When not chopping Zombies into pieces, the Resident Evil 4 Controller can rest on its stylish stand, on top on your TV, well at sight for the bill collectors knocking at your door. Very impressive in size, it will bring you fear and respect at the same time, yet light and ergonomic, it stays comfortable and does not affect gameplay at all. Holding it in your hands for sure makes you feel like a man; now who said the Cube was for kids?
If you're wondering WTF all that is about, it's the resident evil 4 special edition gamecube controller!! I'm not a fan of the games, but this surely has to be cool by any standard.
Check the awesome picture above.
Oh, and before I go. Interested in it? get your arse over to and order it :)
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Just a quick note to wish everyone a happy (safe!) Eid!
I hope things get better in Iraq soon, I'm watching something called "Voices of Iraq" now, someone's given 150 digital cameras to the people of Iraq just after the regime fell and they're just saying what they want, and what they think of it all. It's scary watching a city I grew up in and loved fall apart like that.
I hope everyone's ok there... and again
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Yes, it's a rant. I hate it when things don't work.
To celebrate my new flat and BB thought I'd treat myself to a nice wireless router from CISCO. It's a linksys, and I also got a wireless adaptor for the xbox so I can use xbox live!. So far so good, and I managed to get my xbox to say hello to the pc magically over the airwaves! Problem is, ever since my BB was activated the damn wireless network stopped working! it's driving me up the wall!!
And because there are no cables to fiddle about with, you end up thrashing at thin air in the hope that you might create some disturbance that will carry the data across one room to another. Still, nothing seems to be working.
*sigh*. I go fiddle some more, but don't have that much time as I'm going to London to celebrate the lesser bayrem (at last! woops, maybe wasn't meant to say that :p)
Peace till later.
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yes, today I finally got the damn email that confirmed my adsl was installed and is up and running. And here it is in all it's glory doing business from my home pc! Wow it feels so much better back on broadband. This one's a one mbit connection also which is faster than my old connection here.
now, what have I missed from the net the last month or so........ there's so much to catch up on!
see ya around!
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