Oh the luxuries of having broadband... being back in London for the weekend, I have the pleasure in using my secondary box which isn't that powerful but happens to be linked to a big fat 2mbit line. Oh bliss.......
Also, google inc have finally openned froogle for the UK public. Froogle is google's retail search engine, it was launched in the states and it's a great search engine for the cheapest deals. Lots of websites exists like this but froogle is from the biggest search engine company, so it was quite good at what it does. It also shows you what the latest searches have been from other frooglers, hence giving you some gift ideas etc.
As this site is hosted on the google network, I wanted to advertise their new uk froogle service. Perhaps one of them is reading and gives me 1000 free shares in the company? Fingers X-ed.
I'm also VERY hungry. It's 14:48 here and there's still another 3 hours and 20 minutes (200 minutes, 12000 seconds) till futoor (eating time). Ramadhan may be cool but the colder it gets, the more hungry I do.
Till then, good-delicious.